Las Montañas De Mis Padres

Jonathan Bricheux


Andres naît en Belgique en 1999 quelques mois après l’arrivée de ses parents à Bruxelles. Ceux-ci, ciblés par la violence et la répression qui s’abat sur les luttes sociales colombiennes, ont été forcés à l’exil. Bercé par les récits de ses parents depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Andres part, l’été de ses 16 ans, seul en Colombie. Une quête adolescente faite de rencontres familiales, et d’activistes qui, au péril de leur vie, continuent la lutte pour la liberté et la justice. Andres se confronte aux réalités d’un pays qu’il avait jusque-là rêvé et idéalisé

Duración: 1:18:32

Año: 2022

País: Bélgica


Jonathan Bricheux began his engagement with visual media in 2005 through photography, a medium he practiced in analogue form. In 2012, he embarked on a photographic project addressing the socio-political issues related to gold mining in Colombia. Upon his return, he pursued training as a videographer at the School of Photography and Visual Techniques Agnès Varda in Brussels. His interest in Colombia and its ongoing struggles only intensified over time. In the following years, he engaged in collaborative efforts with Colombian political exiles. In 2018, he was deployed as an international observer during that year’s presidential elections in Colombia. In 2021, following the country’s widespread protests, he participated in the International Mission of Observation for Guaranteeing Social Protest and Against Impunity in Colombia, during which he documented testimonies from victims of state violence.
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